Job title: Western Sydney Airport – Fuel Farm
Client: Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd
Description of project: As an extension to Cherrie Civil Engineering existing works at Western Sydney Airport for Multiplex Construction, Cherrie Civil has been engaged to complete the bulk earthworks and civil stormwater for the ‘Fuel Farm’ – fuel storage and ancillary service buildings.
Cherrie Civils scope includes the reclamation of sandstone capping, cut to fill and regrading of site levels, detail excavation to building foundation, supply & installation civil stormwater conduits, gross pollutant trap, pits and oily water separator as well as permanent pavement construction.
Bulk excavation and site importation of 36,850m3
Construction of earth bridge and associate drainage/headwalls
Lay and compaction of 25,000m2 SMZ to underside of pavements
Construction of temporary access roads (9,400m2)
Detail excavation of thickenings and footings to 15 buildings/structures, including placement of drainage layers
Installation of stormwater conduits (1.9km), pits (157) and filtration structures (x2)
Value of Contract: $7.4 million
Project Period: Completed June 2023
Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd